Effects of closure delay for ESD valve on leaking process of natural gas pipeline fuel jettison shutoff valve 紧急关断阀关断延迟对天然气管道泄漏过程的影响
Pipeline series ball valve is not only wide selection of parts and materials are used in nickel-plated or316, seal with a special polymer material. 长输管线系列球阀不仅选材广泛且内件材料均采用表面镀镍或是316材质、密封圈采用特制的聚合物材料。
Research on pipeline pressure shock in valve control hydraulic positioning system 阀控液压位置伺服系统管路压力冲击研究
Pipeline design pressure, release valve working pressure and connection dimensions; 管道设计压力、放气阀工作压力、连接尺寸;
Two film plating chambers are formed into a whole via a forvacuum pipeline, a butterfly valve, a high-vacuum three-way pipeline and a gate valve. 两个镀膜室通过预抽真空管道和蝶阀、高真空三通管道和闸板阀组成一个整体。
Discussion on High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline Separate Valve Chamber Diffusing Design 天然气高压管线分段阀室放散设计方案探讨
At least one bin is communicated with a pressure air supply via a pipeline with a valve. 至少一个料仓通过带有阀门的管道与压力气源相通。
Priority introduces the main body of a book almost growing water supply pipeline valve in common use choosing the type and matters needing attention. 本文重点介绍几种给水管路的常用阀门选型及注意事项。
According to the report, it took firefighters hours to stop the leak because the pipeline's main valve was damaged in the explosion. 据报道,因为管道主阀门在爆炸中已被损坏,消防人员花了几个小时才阻止了煤气的渗漏。
Xuan Sefa a cone-shaped pieces of the hoist and around the center line perpendicular to the axis of rotation pipeline, completed the hoist valve action. 的启闭件呈锥形,并绕垂直于管道中心线的轴线旋转,完成阀门的启闭动作。
Typical applicable locations are: air compressor, vacuum pump, compressing air pipeline, pressure regulating valve, testing equipment, and medical sterilizer, etc. 典型的应用场所为:空气压缩机、真空泵、工艺管路、调压阀、测试设备、医用消毒器等。
Used for transportation of slagging in viscosity, easy to medium pipeline ball valve full bore should be used to facilitate regular scraping wax blowing through. 用于输送粘性、易结渣介质管道上的球阀应使用全通径的,方便定期的刮蜡吹扫器通过。
The equipment is simple intuitional and with multiple functions, and it may be used to not only investigate the flow field and scheme comparison of the wicket-gate, but also analyse the flow characteristic of the silt earring flow in pipeline, valve and pump. 该装置简单、功能多,可用于水轮机引水、导水部件的流场研究与方案对比,也可用于含沙水流在管路及阀门中的流动及水泵工作特性研究;
Analysis on the flow characteristics of long distance pipeline equipped with ventilation valve 有气阀的长距离输水管道流动特性分析与应用
Some rationalization proposals which are of practical significance for gas storage station, gate station and CNG station are put forward on pipeline improvement and valve layout in engineering design and installment. 对储配气站、燃气门站、CNG站等燃气工程设计、安装有一定的实践意义。
The Design of Large Diameter Oil/ gas Pipeline Valve and its Intelligent Control System 大口径油气管道阀及其控制系统设计
In the literature, experimental research and numerical calculation have been performed on water hammer protection with gas in pressurized pipeline system with air valve installed. 本文通过在有压输水管道系统安装空气阀对含气水锤防护进行了实验研究和数值计算。
Furthermore, measures are offered, such as, improvement of the air compressor filter to strengthen performance of the filter, addition of the pipeline air valve to improve efficiency of the work, and updating the cover of the mechanism to prevent the birds from nesting etc. 提出了改进空压机过滤器增强其过滤性能、增加管道空气阀门提高检修工作效率、改造机构工作缸罩避免鸟类筑巢等措施。
The choice of interior characteristic of the controlling valve, is in order to be guaranteed in different fluids, under the temperature of different pressures, and the different function in pipeline system of the controlling valve, thus achieve accords with the purpose run systematically. 介绍了掌握控制阀的内特性,可以利用其在不同的压力温度下对管路系统的不同作用,而达到与管路系统运行相匹配的目的。
Preventing the Pipeline Surge with Multi-function Electro-hydraulic Valve 运用多功能电液阀防止管路水击
Introducing the definition of A-level pipeline and A-level pipeline valve as well as regulations of A-level pipeline valve examination. 介绍了A级管道和A级管道阀门的定义及A级管道阀门检验的规定。
Pipeline drift diameter detector of electronic DN-700 is able to prove a change degree in pipeline diameter automatically and in quantity on-stream, distinguish pipeline 'valve, bend and girth weld and know its corresponding mileage location. DN-700型电子式管道通径检测器可不停输自动地、定量地探明管道的通径变化量,分辨出管道的阀门、弯头、环形焊缝等,并知其相应的里程位置。
The TRT system was decomposed into blast furnace gas reaction container, roof pressure container, gas pipeline and gas flowrate regulating valve after its mechanism analysis. 在分析TRT系统工作机理基础上,将其分解为高炉煤气反应容器、炉顶压力容器、煤气管道、煤气流量调节阀4部分。
Water hammer of pipeline influence the check valve design 管道水击现象对止回阀设计的影响
This paper introduces the structure design of a type big size high pressure pipeline ball valve. 阐述了一种大口径高压管线球阀的结构设计。
So the dynamic characteristic of main test pipeline in solenoid valve test-bed was studied, and the impedance was applied to research the conduction of resonance and the characteristic of pressure dissemination in frequency domain. 因此,本论文对电磁阀试验台主测试管路的动态特性进行研究,运用阻抗分析法分析主测试管路发生谐振的条件以及该管路在频率域内的压力传递特性。
Fluid mechanics are analyzed in the working cylinder, high-pressure oil pipeline and MR valve. 完成对工作油缸、高压油管以及阻尼调节器牛顿流体的流体力学分析。
The major market position is in the valve chambers of long gas pipeline. Valve chambers, generally only have valves and pipes, and no measurement of pressure control equipment, so the number of I/ O points is relatively small and the process is relatively simple. 主要市场定位于天然气长输管线的各个阀室中,阀室一般只有阀门和管道,而没有计量调压设备,因此I/0点数相对较少,工艺流程相对简单。
In seawater pipeline system Centrifugal pump and valve are the principal noise sources, in order to control flow-noise in seawater pipeline effectively, it is one of the most widely used methods to install water silencer on pipeline. 离心水泵和阀门是海水管路系统中的主要噪声源,为了有效控制海水管路中的流噪声,在管路中安装水消声器是应用最广泛、最有效的一种方法。